Your business operations, systems & processes need work, and you’re looking for an expert to help you.

Well, hello (or, as we say in Yorkshire, “eh up!”), you’ve arrived at the right place.

I’m Becky Stevenson, a business improvement consultant and strategist based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. I work UK-wide and beyond.

I work closely with micro & small business owners and companies to identify their individual problems and frustrations. I then use my expertise to provide tailor-made solutions to fix the problems.

The sooner you streamline, the faster you can grow (or run more smoothly without the added stress). And in no time, you will feel confident about the whole of your business. 

A woman named Becky Stevenson with shoulder-length brown hair and hoop earrings wearing a green top is smiling, standing indoors in front of beige walls with mirrors.

I’ll help you streamline your business operations,
systems & processes

Expert in business operations, systems & processes.

When you need your car repaired, you go to a mechanic; when you need your body healed, you go to a doctor.

Why should it be any different when it comes to business efficiency and improvements? Go to an expert.

My expertise is helping businesses improve and grow by making them more efficient.

I love what I do, and I’m good at it. I genuinely want your business to be as successful as you do.

I offer different services depending on the size of your business. I provide consultancy as well as hands-on support if you need it. This is what makes me different from most consultants or strategists. I don’t just have the knowledge and experience—I also have the skills to implement it too.

Happy clients…


  • It all begins with a conversation. You talk, I listen and ask questions. I take the time to really understand you and your business.

    A simple guide to how I work:

    1. Gain background information and understanding
    2. Audit your current position
    3. Diagnose the problem(s)
    4. Provide you with an improvement strategy, advice & guidance
    5. Implement with/for you (if required)
    6. Finalise and sign off
    7. Here for any further support or questions

  • Simplicity

    Business shouldn’t be hard. Yes there will be tricky times BUT on the whole it should be easy to do business, fun and profitable. Let’s make running it, as simple as possible with the biggest impact.

    Human Centred

    I genuinely love people and have a true passion for helping. People are always at the heart of my work - whether that’s you, your clients or staff. I’m along for the ride with you. You and your business matter to me.


    My clients trust me with their secrets and worries - good, bad, and ugly. What’s said between us, is kept between us - always. I’ll give you my true, honest advice - always. Meet me in the middle and trust me and the process.

    Zero Judgement

    I provide a safe space with compassion, understanding and acceptance. You are individual and unique (as is your business) - I will never “tell” you to do anything or make any judgements.

  • Absolutely!

    I have a particular interest in supporting neurodivergent business leaders and team members - having been diagnosed with ADHD myself in my 30s.

    This gives me a unique insight into some of the executive function challenges neurodivergent people can experience with creating, implementing and following systems/processes - and practical strategies to help.   

    Whilst no two people are the same, I am very understanding and I get it. Many of my clients are too. I’ll work with you to figure out and solve your business problems.

  • Absolutely! All of the same problems arise for your organisational type so I’m ready to hear what’s going on and help you to solve it.

    I also offer a discount on contracts over £1,000.

  • No, not at all. I help single-person businesses, up to large companies and organisations.

    I’ll let you into a secret—no matter the size of the business, the problems typically fall into four main categories:

    I’m experienced in all areas so we’ll figure out what’s going on really quickly.